51 2008-05-04 23:58:45
Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue] (82 replies, posted in Features)
52 2008-05-04 00:18:02
Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue] (82 replies, posted in Features)
53 2008-05-03 17:41:04
Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue] (82 replies, posted in Features)
on a related note, did anyone ever suggest adding "enqueue/play in cog" items to the finder context menu, for registered filetypes and maybe folders?
54 2008-04-26 09:35:00
Re: Playlist of Playlists (15 replies, posted in Features)
personally this isn't something i'd want, i like my player to have a straightforward playlist of individual items like cog currently has. i'd have no problem with this kind of feature being added tho, as long as it could be disabled so the behaviour i like would be unchanged. not wanting to put words in our venerable host's mouth, but from previous discussions on various subjects, i don't think this is something he'd be up for - but who knows?
55 2008-04-24 23:15:46
Re: Playlist of Playlists (15 replies, posted in Features)
i think this would require something like vlc's approach where the playlist can have an entry for an album (or whatever) that can be expanded with a drop-down arrow thing - but i can't quite picture it working within cog's existing design.
edit: i mean, i'm sure it would be simple enough to add support so that if a playlist had an entry that was another playlist, the latter's contents would also be added to cog's list - but it would require more work/change to treat each album as a distinct entity once it had been added.
56 2008-04-01 18:21:48
Re: make use of the keyboard. (7 replies, posted in Features)
new macbooks have media keys? :jealous:
can you configure cog's keyboard shortcuts with system preferences?
57 2008-03-13 07:51:15
Re: Files handled not by path but by ID (11 replies, posted in Archives)
oh nice
58 2008-03-10 09:38:42
Re: Cross platform woes (3 replies, posted in General)
true, good point. it has a proper native os x interface tho, unlike some of the other cross-platform apps mentioned.
59 2008-03-09 10:00:04
Re: Cross platform woes (3 replies, posted in General)
interesting thoughts.
i'm a big fan of firefox, but i use custom builds by some guy that are tweaked to fit the aqua look, as well as optimized for my processor. i'm still using firefox 2, but i gather that version 3 has a new native interface which is great news - i'll have to check it out soon, tho seeing as i've waited this long, maybe i'll wait for the release version?
other than that... yeah now i think about it i generally seem to go for native apps when they're an acceptable option. i don't use azureus, not specifically because it's cross-platform but because it's java, and a resource hog, so i don't see myself using it in future even if they make the interface look better. transmission is a nice native app, and has recently gained a lot of the important features it was previously missing, but it's still not as fully-featured as azureus or utorrent. i'm still holding out hope for a port of utorrent one of these days......
i use vlc for stuff that other apps won't play, it's a very useful and impressive app, but it's ugly and i'd usually rather be using front row (quick tangent - can leopard users tell me if front row no longer opens itunes in the background to play videos? cheers). i agree that vlc could benefit from more work on the ui for the mac version.
yeah audacity isn't too nice on the mac, and as you say there's no free alternative, which is a huge shame. i've generally settled on using sound studio (quite cheap shareware) for most editing, but i have sound forge (bloody expensive commercial app) installed in vmware in case i ever feel the need for a major editing session - i wouldn't want to have vmware running while i was using a daw tho.
hm what else? for msn messenger, i switched from mercury, which has the option of a mac-looking gui, but still actually runs as clunky java, to adium, which is a nicely-running native mac app that uses the cross-platform open source libpurple library (oh and adium is also open source). i've never felt inclined to try the official msn client for os x, i've heard it's pretty terrible - tho the forthcoming new version might be an improvement. for irc i use x-chat aqua, which as the name suggests is a nice native aqua build of the cross-platform x-chat client.
so yeah cross-platform apps are great if they end up running as nicely as a mac app should, but otherwise i'll look for alternatives.
edit: oh and i didn't mention rss apps because i don't really use rss except for tv show torrents.
61 2008-03-05 06:53:42
Re: Noticeable Glitch in Playlist Interface under 0.08 & 0.07 on Leopard (22 replies, posted in Bugs)
there's a setting in system preferences (under 'appearance') that lets you choose whether to have the arrows at either end of the bar or both at the same end, so i don't imagine that's the problem.
62 2008-03-05 06:45:51
Re: A "Delete Others" function (8 replies, posted in Features)
"delete others" sounds like a good idea to me. and it's comparable to trim/crop type commands in audio/image/video editors (only keeps what you've selected), so it's a perfectly natural operation to me at least
also, it's only one action that needs to be performed, as opposed to the two of invert selection/delete, so i'd think it's preferable in that way.
63 2008-02-27 01:15:26
Re: [bug] timeline doesn't show correct position after 203:50mins (11 replies, posted in Bugs)
yep that's fixed it, thanks a lot mate!
only odd thing is, the version i've just built claims to be r635, even tho it's fresh from svn, and as far as i can tell, is actually the latest r717. how can i convince it that it's actually r717?
edit: never mind, found it - info.plist
64 2008-02-27 00:26:47
Re: [bug] timeline doesn't show correct position after 203:50mins (11 replies, posted in Bugs)
dear god, subversion takes a long time to install
(haven't used it since i replaced my hard drive a while ago)
66 2008-02-26 23:00:04
Re: [bug] timeline doesn't show correct position after 203:50mins (11 replies, posted in Bugs)
i'm currently running the latest precompiled build of 0.07, but i'd be happy building it from svn, have done before, so if you could guide me to what needs fixing that would be great - cheers!
67 2008-02-26 22:24:10
Re: [bug] timeline doesn't show correct position after 203:50mins (11 replies, posted in Bugs)
i've just encountered this bug, having downloaded an mp3 of an autechre radio show from the weekend, that is marginally under 12 hours long
it actually occurs at 202 minutes 53 seconds for me. when playback reaches that time, the blob jumps back to the left end of the bar and the time display goes back to zero, tho the audio keeps playing as it should. same with seeking to any point after that time - blob & time display ping back to zero, but the audio plays from the actual time you seek to.
any thoughts on a fix? ideally in a tiger-friendly build as well as your new-fangled leopard doobrie
edit: just checked the old bug linked above - it used to occur at 101:27, so it's just been doubled
69 2008-02-26 03:01:40
Re: "pause after current track" command (11 replies, posted in Features)
great news, thanks - i might have to wait to try it out tho, the nightlies are leopard-only right? actually... i'm not much of a coder, but i might be able to stretch to hacking it back into the 0.07 branch if i can find the energy, and if the relevant infrastructure hasn't changed too much. hmmmm.
regarding the shortcut - command-option-period is fine with me. i can't help but ask if it could maybe be listed as a (optional) global hotkey in the preferences, tho that's not essential.
70 2008-02-24 08:25:58
Re: The File Tree Panel uses "absolute" nb ordering (1, 10, 11, 2, 3, ...) (2 replies, posted in Bugs)
so does the playlist, unless this has been changed in a leopard-only version.
i'd love for this to be fixed
71 2008-02-24 08:15:51
Re: Is it possible that certain columns DO NOT resize when resizing window (3 replies, posted in Features)
good idea.
72 2008-02-24 07:44:26
Re: Repeat + Shuffle [Repeat One, Repeat Album, ideas for Shuffle] (15 replies, posted in Features)
just a suggestion, with no knowledge of how the shuffle order is stored etc, but...
how about when you double-click a song, it is moved (inserted) into the current place in the shuffle order, from wherever it was originally? so when it finishes, cog moves onto the song it was originally going to play next, but this way (unlike the winamp-style ignoring that remain mentioned) the double-clicked song doesn't still exist elsewhere in the order - so there's no chance of you hearing the same thing again a couple of songs later
74 2008-02-09 17:42:09
Re: 0.08 Nightly (98 replies, posted in Development)
aw i'm missing out on all the fun
i'm still not in a hurry to move to leopard tbh, tho it could be time to check again if everything i want will work with it. at least now i've upgraded my hard drive i have room to consider dual booting...
75 2007-12-12 11:17:34
Re: "pause after current track" command (11 replies, posted in Features)
hm i'd still request this to be implemented as a one-shot command rather than a repeat-type mode, otherwise i'd have to go back and disable that mode when i resumed playback. would it help if i said please? i wouldn't expect it to be at all high priority, but it would be great if it gets in there eventually.