Topic: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

I found Cog yesterday and this is the only feature i can think of that would make it better. Perhaps have an option to clear the playlist when files are added, then automatically start playing the new songs. If the new playlist could automatically be arranged by track no. that would make it even better.
Thansk for reading!

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Welcome to the forums. I think all the features you propose have been discussed elsewhere, I can't remember if anyone of them is going into the 0.08 version.

Quite a few things have improved in 0.08 and you can get it by setting your update preference to nightlies. (not 100% stable though)

Update: Clear playlist on add is planned for 0.08 and so is playback on open. But they haven't been implemented yet

Last edited by Zitz (2008-04-08 05:37:44)

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

sounds cool. Ill get the nightly updates just for kicks. An unstable Cog is still better than a stable iTunes tongue

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Any updates on these?

These two are probably the features I'm looking forward to the most. *crosses fingers*

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Seems like many people are waiting anxiously for those

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Last edited by vspader (2008-05-03 08:02:30)

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

on a related note, did anyone ever suggest adding "enqueue/play in cog" items to the finder context menu, for registered filetypes and maybe folders?

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Well, it's possible as a Contextual Menu Item. However, starting from Leopard, you can only access those from the "More" sub-menu; they cannot be on the "first level" context menu.

This has also crossed my mind:

There would be a "dummy" app of sorts, that would be available for all the file formats that Cog handles. So it would be in the Open With sub-menu for all these formats, and this app would essentially just pass on the file to Cog but instead enqueues it (add to playlist without clearing).

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Dropping on dock icon cannot be overtaken in current mac os without hacking (i.e. transparent window over it, low-level nasty business etc.) sad
But modifier keys probably can be captured via CGEvent

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

I think adding an Open With menu item seems like abuse, and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Believe it or not, some people wouldn't want an extra application in their open menu, and making that type of thing configurable would be a nightmare.

Modifier keys are a good idea, and I plan to add support for that.

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Yeah, it's true that it could be seen as "intrusive," like how a lot of Windows program installers would install "extra features" without asking first.

Yeah, the modifier key is a good idea, though I do find modifier keys a hassle sometimes. (requires both hands)

Still, that definitely should be the way to go.

The other alternative of a contextual menu item isn't bad either, since it does give the user the choice to install it. (separate file in the DMG)

But then again, for the Open With way, it would be a separate .app, so users would still have the option to install it or not. (once again, a separate file in the DMG)

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

yeah, i'd definitely see the context menu things as something that should be optional. modifier keys seems like a nicer/cleaner way to go tho.

was just quickly thinking about ways to get around having to use both hands smile i don't necessarily think this is a good idea, but now i'm just curious to know if it's possible - from the event info that's passed to cog, can you tell how long the dragged file was held over the dock icon before it was released (ie, do you get a dragged-over event before a dropped event)? if so you could have - drag file to dock & drop straight away doing one thing, and drag file to dock and hold it there for at least x seconds before releasing to do something else, as equivalent to a modifier key.

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

Nope, with the dock icon all you get is a openFiles call that has a list of filenames. The modifier is for the special case though, it just toggles whatever your preference is set to, so I don't see it being that big of a hassle.

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

sweet cool

Re: Clear playlist when adding new files [& auto play new songs & enqueue]

I've just send Vincent a patch which brings following behavior:
On opening from finder/droping on icon
  Default - as in settings
  Option = alter both clear and autoplay
  Shift = alter clear
  Option+Shift = alter autoplay

Dropping on playlist:
  Default - no clear and no autoplay
  Option  - clear and autoplay
  Shift - clear
  Option+Shift - autoplay

A bit strange, but actually user usually wants to just add to playlist or immediately listen  to file, so this should be altered with less effort aka one key

Last edited by Vasfed (2008-05-07 11:12:20)