Topic: Incredible ram usage?

Under Activity Monitor under the RSIZE column, Cog says it is using 739mb
Is that normal?

Also, 3.60% of cpu power.

I have a Macbook Pro Core 1 Duo Feb 2006 2.16ghz 2gb ram machine.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

RSIZE is what activity monitor abbreviates 'Real Memory' to when the columns set to minimum width

Last edited by deanr (2007-07-22 04:32:59)

Re: Incredible ram usage?

That is abnormally high. Definitely sounds like a memory leak. Any specific file types you were using?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

In the File Drawer I have it pointed to a 750gb USB2.0 external harddrive.
That has a folder called MP3s with about 250gb of music.
In the /MP3s folder there are folders created in the format of "Artist Name - Album Name"
I CTRL+A all folders in the file drawer and drag them to the window.
It takes a few minutes to read the ID3 tag information of all the files (I wish this were faster)
Then I play.
Shuffle randomness has little variation.
I use the nightly revisions that it downloads by itself.
I believe there are some 22,000 songs.

Let me know if I can give you further information.

Most all files are .mp3 however there are a few others such as .m4a.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

my cog (nightly 0.06) uses about 50 MB as Real Memory.
I am mentioning this, cause i have quite the same amount of audio-files linked to Cog.
Maybe that could be helpful.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

I've been experiencing high memory usage too

Cog starts with about 23 megs mem usage
Double click on a song in playlist (with about 350 items): memory usage is 25 megs now
Another click: mem uage is 26
Another gets 27
and so on... every time i click i get about a meg of memory usage more. seems like some memory is not freed

after a 10 hours playing cog uses about 150 MB of ram


Re: Incredible ram usage?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

I just added 11 more flacs (1 cd) to Cogx.
rsize is now at 23.18mb. The files were on my usb external harddrive.

I will press next on the cog application. Ram goes up to 24.27mb.
Next on the application window -- ram is at 25.27.
Next again - ram is at 26.27.
I press next again, ram is at 27.27.

I pressed next a bunch of times until I got to the last track, ram usage is at 34.34mb.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

If it means anything Cog is idled right now and it's using 73.78mb of ram. It's got 245 hours worth of mp3s in the playlist. It's been idle for two hours now though.

I have it set to auto update, the latest update I got was a flac update, I'll restart Cog to see if there is another update.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

I updated (I was a few revisions behind) and the program has the same amount of music in the playlist.
I haven't played a song yet and Cog is using 31.95mb of ram.

Last edited by vraa (2007-10-13 00:46:35)

Re: Incredible ram usage?

Hmm, that seems a bit high. I just loaded up 1054:29 worth and I'm using 15.29mb. If I start playing it goes to 18.8mb. Just plain mp3s as well.
My main concern though is a memory leak, where the ram usage continues to grow and never gets smaller. I want Cog to be able to run for years  smile.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

I think it'd be better to just get this figured out. I've tried a few things and I can't get any leaks to occur.

When is the memory usage growing? While playing files? Changing tracks? Specific filetypes? Adding/removing files from the playlist?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

Has anybody experienced any memory leak symptoms?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

I'd never noticed a performance hit but just checked. Holy crap! One CD's worth of AppleLossless had Real=161MB and VM=452MB. Grabbed yesterday's build (r587) and with same files Real=61 and VM=326MB. It'll climb to 66 or so and then down to 57ish.


About 20 minutes later now and @ 36MB Real and 329 VM.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

Yeah, I went through and took care of a bunch of leaks, so I'm hoping things are better now in that regard.
As long as the memory usage isn't steadily climbing as time goes on, it's all good.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

hey guys I have a similar issue with 0.08 r 916 nightly, but i tried the stable builds, same thing, when i'm playing a FLAC file, or APE compressed files the memory usage seems to jump heavily, loading a track is around 4 mb used memory and each few seconds the memory used increases about 1 MB, after rebooting the system i have 500 mb used, lauching cog and playing a flac flile a few times and an ape file ends up at 772 mb used o.o so that's almost 300 mb, weird because it doesn't seem to use any memory when i try a mp3 file - macbook pro 4 GB ram leopard 10.5.6 cheers~

Re: Incredible ram usage?

It's possible there are leaks in the APE or FLAC decoders. A quick check shows there are some leaks still lurking about, but I don't have time to fix them immediately. I'll take a look when I get a chance.

Re: Incredible ram usage?

cheers smile thanks for the reply, can't wait and good luck smile

Re: Incredible ram usage?

chueey: I can't reproduce the memory usage symptoms you describe with APE or FLAC files. Could it be a specific type of file causing this? Is it possible for you to send me a problem file?

Re: Incredible ram usage?

I'll look into it later today, going to school in a few minutes wink
edit: sorry it will have to wait to friday, a lot of work tonight sad cheers

Last edited by chuuey (2009-01-21 08:57:29)

Re: Incredible ram usage?