Topic: Poll: new app/dock icons

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Icons #3 is not bad, but...
Maybe I just really like my icons (#2) big_smile, but I do not like Jon Red's icons because they make Cog look like a iTunes...

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Hiya tuurngait,

I hadn't seen your icons before either. I like how you centered the play state info.  My icon is inspired by the iTunes one because I was trying to make my apple dock more unified.  Since I emailed the files I did make both a green and orange variant to differentiate it from iTunes.  Maybe they would serve better?

Jon Red (Spudnot)

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

My vote goes to nr 2, single color.

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Fellow user Petri writes:
"I'm a little busy now so won't be able to register and vote but if you can relay my vote it's no3"

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Thanks for reply.
I never liked the ugly iTunes10 icon (and Mac App Store icon (and all other icons based on its template) mad
I don't like this icons too, but I like color solution in icon #3 (green) cool
Cog is an iTunes' "antipode", so it's a mistake to use iTunes-like icon for it  smile
In any case, big thanks for your work.
If you don't like something in my icons, tell me smile

Last edited by tuurngait (2012-08-15 03:17:13)

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Hiya tuurngait,

Actually I did enjoy your purple icon version :-)  It fits in with the updated apple icons (which I do like) while still having originality.  :-)  How would you implement the change in play state info (play, pause, stop) for the purple icon?  This one may get my vote!


Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

I like the texture of the purple one, but I really like having the playing status in the symbol, either in the form of a color or a shape.

Less like iTunes == better!

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Have updated top post with icon set by Aquee❤us|Solutions

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

The new icon is too glossy and is not skeuomorphic, so it is not represents the Cog's minimalism and isn't fits to OS X environment.
When I see it, I remember 10 years old monstrous windows software )

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Ooh, it's Great! But looks too flat. It needs more 3-d effects. Can you publish the source?

(edit: removed quoting of previous post)

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

I second the post of HERRIE!!, was gonna post about the same thing but he was faster than me in doing so =P

Short: the old style looks very good and we should keep that (wood-)style in my opinion..

I'm not very skilled in graphic design either but if there is enough time left for the voting maybe I could see what I can come up with.

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Sorry guys. The new icons and interface is what is holding me back from the update.

I like the purple icon by tuurngait though.

About the tuurngait's version:

The cog's bezels need to be bigger in order to match the outer circle's. The texture and color have to be matched as well. So needs to be the overal shape of the cog - it needs to become more wobbly as to match the whole icon's shape (i.e. the center part has to be closer to the viewer) and maybe a 3d effect has to be added.
The cloudy things need to be removed as well imo. They are chaotic and do not mean anything.

(edit:merged the posts)

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

^Can you explain why the designs hold you back from updating? So this means you like the oldest icon, right? Or do you like the current icon?

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Voting for #2 icons set!

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Oh, wow, HERRIE's icon is awesome.
Updated top post to include it.

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

My vote is for #1. I've been missing them quite a bit, haha.

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Yes, I prefer the oldest icon and also the interface.

Please, let me know what you think about improving the purple icon and if I should do it.

Re: Poll: new app/dock icons

Last edited by tuurngait (2012-12-25 04:35:59)