Topic: APL support

   <title>Some song</title>
   <performer>Some performer</performer>

Re: APL support

I can't find any examples of the .APL files along with .APE files, so if you can point me to somewhere I could get some, that would help a lot.

Re: APL support

Block numbers are same as sample numbers from beginning of file (seconds = block / samplerate)
Example APL:

[Monkey's Audio Image Link File]
Image File=Lara Fabian - 9.ape
Start Block=0
Finish Block=10264716

----- APE TAG (DO NOT TOUCH!!!) -----
<binary APE tag here, forum does not allow to post>

Re: APL support

i was wrong about it being fully binary, but it is not fully text either
so format seems to be

[Monkey's Audio Image Link File]
Image File=<file name till line break>
Start Block=<decimal>
Finish Block=<decimal or '-0'>
<newline probably not obligatory>
----- APE TAG (DO NOT TOUCH!!!) -----
<binary tag, probably can be id3, id3v2, ape tag, ape v2 tag>

first version can just take file name as track title, read two numbers, image file name from file and discard everything else - this should be pretty enough for most cases
but a beautiful solution might check whether next apl in playlist uses same image file and probably next block and play gapless smile

Last edited by Vasfed (2007-10-13 09:55:28)

Re: APL support

I believe the MAC SDK already has support for this. I can't do much with it though since I don't have any way of creating these files.

Re: APL support

Last edited by Vasfed (2007-10-14 00:02:57)

Re: APL support

ape tag is not necessary, official MAC plugin reads apls without it
i have written a very simple apl file generator, tomorrow i'll add ape tag support for full emulation of MakeApl and post it here

Re: APL support

As i promised - <here was link to old version> - this generates 100% binary identical to official tool's APLs for cues i tested it on
uses a bit modified cuesheet parser from cog 554
(if you want source - i'll send it)

it's you turn now, vspader smile

Last edited by Vasfed (2007-10-20 08:35:27)

Re: APL support

Do  you mind reuploading it using zip, tbz, or tbz2? I'm not a fan of stuffit.

Re: APL support

Last edited by Vasfed (2007-10-20 08:35:44)

Re: APL support

Thanks! I'll take a peek tonight.

Re: APL support

i started writing plugin for handling APLs - planning to have smth running tomorrow...

Re: APL support

Re: APL support

Re: APL support

I'd like to see the code at least for the first few submissions before giving write access. Emailing me a diff would probably work best.

Re: APL support

Re: APL support

from now cog supports APLs
my MacAPL will be cleaned and made available in some time

Re: APL support