Topic: i just noticed that none of my m4a files' tags are being recognized...
none at all. isn't this supposed to be a functional feature now?
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none at all. isn't this supposed to be a functional feature now?
For 0.08 it is. I'll work on getting the nightlies going with it soon. It's currently 10.5 only, so I need to figure out a way so sparkle won't try updating on 10.4 machines.
fair enough. hopefully by then i'll have some money rolling in and i can get one of those sweet new 17" macbook pros to try it out on ;]
The current build of 0.08 is Leopard only. What it's doing can currently be done in a tiger-friendly way, but it would take some more work to get it to that point. I haven't decided yet.
Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it. It's tough to keep track of what feature was added to what version.
Yeah... I hope you'll figure out a system of tracking the changes of updates (both releases and dev. builds) soon.
You talked about it a while ago; said something about following Adium's site's style. But I reckon you haven't had much time to do it.
I, for one, welcome our new Leopard-only overlords.
I know I am OT, but could we have someone willing to backport changes from 0.08-Leo-only to 0.07-Tiger?
Ooh, that'd be awesome. As I've said elsewhere, I don't plan to switch to Leopard for a while -- I've got too much stuff that I need, or at least like, to do in Classic.
I really hope 0.08 isn't Leopard-only -- I thought you'd decided to postpone that until 0.09+?
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