Topic: Cog and Snow Leopard

I've read that some applications will not run under Snow Leopard. Most notably, CS3.

So I wonder, will my favorite audio program work when I install Snow Leopard? Anyone here running a beta of SL and Cog successfully?


Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Why don't you try and let us know? big_smile

Actually, I am about to upgrade to 10.6 and will let you know how it goes with the latest nightly.

BTW, Adobe CS3 actually works fine on SL by most accounts, Adobe just isn't "officially" supporting it.

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

r1922 seems to work fine.  Playing FLAC files off my AFP share, fully gapless as usual.

You rock, vspader! smile

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

good from here as well. bonus!

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

A recent upgrade from 8GB of RAM for my MBP has left a few odd things... and one seems to be Cog going _insane_, and playing files with 100%+ (dual core, I have seen it peak at 174% for Cog) CPU use.  I myself am a developer, so if there's anything I can do to help zero-in on the issue, I am all ears.  Cog is very much my de-facto player, and has been since I jumped to Mac dev a year or so ago.  At this point, I am without audio while working, as 100% CPU isn't really useful smile

I forgot to mention... I left this in the SL thread because that's where I am, and I can't think of a better 'reason' for the CPU use, seeing as how Cog up until moving to SL a week or so ago was great.  The combo of SL + 8GB is all that's changed.

Last edited by BitVenom (2009-10-01 02:42:50)

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Take a sample of Cog when it is in this state with Activity Monitor. That should help narrow it down.

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

I took a sample when it's acting up, and another when it's not, and to be honest... there's just nothing odd about either.  The 'higher CPU' sample has fewer semaphore calls, but that seems fine, it's getting less 'clean timeslices', as the CPU is going nuts... so in essence, it's running at a 'lower framerate'.  Nothing else is on the radar, etc... it just looks like 2 very slightly different samples of the same app.  I thought I'd find it stuck on something, or hitting some odd call, but thus far, no.  I will say, it seems like post-VMWare this is an issue, and clean-boot, before using VMWare, it's fine.  VMWare on SL may be leaving my drivers in unhappy moods.  Should I still pass these samples on, or just wait to see if things clear with OS/VMWare updates?

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

I'd still like to take a look, but it does sound like something strange is going on.

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

I'm going to try and come up with a clean repro case... even if it relates to other apps... as Cog has a few times now been the only app 'acting up'.  Might be nothing, but I am sure you'd like to see anyway.  Thus far, it's hard to say what's going on.  BUT, Just now it happened, and I closed Cog (it was 190% CPU), and decided to go back and sample it.  Upon reloading, playing the exact same song (just to be safe), it's acting great, as it should.  This is gonna be fun smile

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Downloaded and ran r1933 in SL on a Mac Pro (Quad duocore 2.66 GHz, 3GB RAM). Worked with SHN and FLAC files. Using activity monitor the CPU usage stayed at about 1.0%.

Most importantly - it didn't prompt for Rosetta installation (32 bit mode) which is why I decided to finally ditch MacAMP, which was sad. I really really liked MacAMP.

Thanks for a nice app. Please, if you get the chance you might say something on your dev or download page about being "reasonably snow leopard compatible".

I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if anything weird happens. No news is good news smile

Last edited by erik1099 (2009-10-15 18:10:12)

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard


any news concerning the development of Cog? Having working Media keys would be really nice. smile



Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

I don't have those kind of problems with the media keys.. they're working fine for me.

maybe its because i've deleted itunes smile (the first thing you should do after installing cog!)

Last edited by arghwhymustiregister (2009-12-01 15:17:18)

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Ain't getting rid of iTunes or any of Apple's default apps problematic when you use Software Update?

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Also I need iTunes for syncing my iPhones and the iPods. (Using them at work)

Same problem also happens if you have Cog AND Quicktime open.

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Nope, software update just keeps telling me to "update" itunes but i just ignore it =p (i dont have quicktime either^^)

@root_42: well.. that is the problem with apple. if you want to use/sync their stuff you got to play by their rules (i.e. use their software =p)

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Last edited by hippy dave (2009-12-02 22:32:28)

Re: Cog and Snow Leopard

Nice question. I'm using a  r1922 program and as of now it works good. You can also try upgrading 10.6