Topic: Free Mac tagger?

hey guys im looking for a clean simple free mp3 tagger
i dont want something that will automatically search for the right info.
i want something that i can just go in and tag it myself.

i saw that the cog people made other software and one was a tagger but am i mistaken that it only works for ogg?

sorry for the extremely noob question

Re: Free Mac tagger?

Re: Free Mac tagger?

Re: Free Mac tagger?

sorry i didnt really dig much into the development of the project to know who did what.
a tagging feature would be awesome for .07

but can someone please tell me one that i can use until then?

i tried searching some and people were actually trying to charge for one.
what a joke.

i dont really want to keep my itunes around anymore but it is the only one that has tagging capability.

Re: Free Mac tagger?

Re: Free Mac tagger?

Last edited by haleakalari (2007-07-20 12:47:27)

Re: Free Mac tagger?

Jaikoz is not too bad.
The ability to edit tags in the cog playlist would be useful. Maybe submit it to the feature req.s...

Re: Free Mac tagger?

Supposedly, .aif's can be tagged too.  Anyone know an editor that works with .aif's?

Re: Free Mac tagger?

AutoTagX is really nice.  I just tried it out and it's nicer than other taggers I've found out there by searching Google.  It's nice having the option to use various tag sets from different sources while still being able to change some items.   Thanks for the rec!

Re: Free Mac tagger?

Re: Free Mac tagger?

I've been using a combination of Musorg & Jaikoz. Because Jaikoz seems to do a better job of auto-tagging things, but Musorg has better manual editing capabilities.

Re: Free Mac tagger?

i been using musorg and am quite please with it so far, except for ocasionally forgetting to hit the save changes button, that should really be automatic roll

Re: Free Mac tagger?

I use ID3X, it has superb features in batch and manual tagging.
The interface is almost transparent, it's really easy to use.
The application is protected by a serial number, but that shouldn't be too big an issue, right? wink

After some time, though, I bought it.
I really think it's worth it.

Last edited by jampe (2009-02-10 15:40:35)

Re: Free Mac tagger?

i would sooner code my own then pay for an mp3 tagger yikes sure hope that id3x has some sick features. roll