Topic: Apple remote, system volume

The apple remote works when cog is in focus (topmost app), but when it's not, the remote doesn't work. Just FYI.

Last edited by remain (2007-12-28 13:36:02)

Re: Apple remote, system volume

This is a preference. You can change it so it works globally. Or is the preference not working?

Re: Apple remote, system volume

Sorry jumped the gun too fast.  What I meant was a suggestion for letting the apple remote change the system volume instead of the app. volume, when its not focused.  That was a fast response smile

Re: Apple remote, system volume

That makes sense. Perhaps when the remote is set to global, and Cog is not active, it changes the system volume instead of the cog volume? Thoughts?

Re: Apple remote, system volume

I think that offers the most flexibility while also allowing the remote to change the system volume. I find I want to change the system volume quite often as I only use the remote when far away and need it louder.

Re: Apple remote, system volume

i do not at all see the need to control the volume of cog separately.
why not just control the system volume? or at least make that an option. (or tell people how they can change it themselves)
that has to be the only thing to annoy me in this application, though smile

Last edited by jampe (2008-07-28 11:22:16)