Topic: cog & nas

Re: cog & nas

Hey Martin

Welcome to the forums. I don't know the answer, but I am almost certain, that someone here does. So if you are are little patient someone will help. I usually subscribe to my own requests, just to be certain, that I catch the reply.



Re: cog & nas

@ Zitz:
Well, there's some water flown down every stream since I asked for help and still there's no answer...

@ all:
Please, don't work any longer on my problem, I've solved it in another way: Last week I purchased a LINN Sneaky Music DS and since this morning it's working fine and I don't need Cog playing music from the Qnap.

Thanks for your efforts.


Re: cog & nas

Hey Martin

Sorry... Usually someone knows and reacts quite fast.

Conrats on your Linn music thingy... Whatever that might be.


Re: cog & nas

(just not to leave a question unanswered)
If I understood you right you wanted to play music off the NAS.
Doesn't qnap have a smb(netbios, windows file sharing)-server? If it does then if can be easily mounted as a usual volume as if it were a local storage (use finder's menu item 'Go->Connect to server'). The same with AFS(appletalk file server). A little more effort is needed if it is only ftp/ssh - then you gonna need MacFuse and appropriate fs driver

PS. i store most of my music collection on a DIY linux-based storage server with afs support

Re: cog & nas

Re: cog & nas

At least I'm successful smile!

My way to play files which are stored on the NAS is this (Mac OS 10.4.11 and Qnap TS-109):

Open Network in the Finder => NAS => MyQnap (or how the NAS is called) => button connect => choose the folder you want to use from NAS ... and there's a new icon on the desktop. Double click and you've got the music files stored on the NAS in a new finder window. By drag and drop you put the music you like to listen to into the Cog's playlist. Voila - simple if you know.

c u
