Topic: "Missing song" bugs

If a song is recognized as missing by Cog, it will be marked with an "X." Also, when a song is missing, there will be no Growl notification when Cog attempts to play it (and then skip it).


1) Songs that are not found will not immediately be marked as missing.

Say you add a file to Cog then delete that file. Then play that song in the playlist. It will be skipped, but it will not be marked with an "X". (And as it attempts to play it, there will still be a Growl notification.)

Only after a relaunch will Cog mark it with an "X".

2) Songs that were marked as missing will remain marked as missing even if found.

If a song is marked as missing, even if it is then made available again, it will still be marked as missing. (And there will be no Growl notification.)

Once again, it will require a relaunch for Cog to not see them as missing.

Re: "Missing song" bugs

mm i guess you couldn't expect cog to be constantly checking every file in the playlist, to see if it's appeared/disappeared, but i imagine it would be doable to recheck each file when it's due to be played.

edit: i know apps can be notified about some file changes, eg if you have a .txt file open in textedit, and you rename the file in finder, when you go back to textedit it shows the new filename in the title bar, but i don't know how this system works, and i have a feeling it might not be realistic to implement it for every file in a potentially-huge playlist.

Last edited by hippy dave (2009-03-24 12:18:33)

Re: "Missing song" bugs

Well, as you said, it'd be too much to check every file in the playlist all the time.

I do believe though that when a song is played, it should be checked, so that Cog does not display erroneous information even as the user can clearly see the contrary. (i.e., song marked as missing when it is in fact available, or song not marked as missing when it is in fact missing)