Topic: Cog cant support more than 247 directories into Music directory


After some tests to find why new Cog version was crashing on my system, I discovered that's because of the number of directories into my Music one.

How to reproduce (the faster):
1) empty your Music directory
2) use this shell script to create 248 empty directories:

for ((i=1; i<249; i=i+1)); do
mkdir temp$i;

3) launch Cog

Here is the result from a terminal screen:

2008-02-18 00:18:52.645 Cog[10058:10b] File urls: (
2008-02-18 00:18:52.646 Cog[10058:10b] Contained urls: (
2008-02-18 00:18:52.648 Cog[10058:10b] Valid urls: (
2008-02-18 00:18:54.340 Cog[10058:3b1f] *** Could not create wakeup socket pair for CFSocket!!!
Segmentation fault

With 0.07 r635, the bug is not present.

Last edited by megaman (2008-02-17 15:25:34)

Re: Cog cant support more than 247 directories into Music directory

Thanks. This is probably some type of kqueue limitation. I will look into it.

Re: Cog cant support more than 247 directories into Music directory

Give r751+ a try, it uses the FSEvent api to keep track of file changes.

Re: Cog cant support more than 247 directories into Music directory

r753 works for me smile
Thx a lot, Cog now launchs itself 10 times faster !

Re: Cog cant support more than 247 directories into Music directory

Re: Cog cant support more than 247 directories into Music directory

Moving the File Drawer to it's own window probably had helped with that too. It's no longer included in the main nib, which means it doesn't load anything file tree related until you first open the file window!