Topic: 2 requests: restore/unminimize on click, display track name via Growl


I have two requests:

#1 Please make it so that clicking on the Cog dock icon, would restore minimized Cog window from the dock. This drives me crazy. Since WindowShadeX does not work on Leopard, but the habit of double

Re: 2 requests: restore/unminimize on click, display track name via Growl

Re: 2 requests: restore/unminimize on click, display track name via Growl


Re: 2 requests: restore/unminimize on click, display track name via Growl

Fourthed! That is, for the "display currently playing track name via growl" suggestion. Right now the only way to see the track name is to change tracks (or of course to switch to cog, but the point of growl is you don't need to do such a thing). If there were a hotkey to display a growl notification, OR if the play/pause hotkey would do it, this would be great.

Also, I'd love if the album could be displayed also, rather than just the title and artist.

(I'd be happy to try to do these things myself, and I've been prowling about trying to figure out how, but i'm not sure I'm clever enough. Could someone maybe give me a hint as to where to start?)

Re: 2 requests: restore/unminimize on click, display track name via Growl

Aha! I figured it out, kind of!

I wrote an applescript that, when run, tells Growl to display the currently playing title/artist/album. The only thing I can't figure out is how to get the album art to display instead of Cog's icon. My plan now is to tie it to a quicksilver trigger so that I can activate it whenever I want. (Unless there's a way for me to tie it into Cog's hotkey setup somehow? That said, it'd be even more elegant if Cog could do this itself, without the help of an applescript, but that's not a big deal.)

If anyone would like the applescript, let me know and I'll send it to you. If there were some place to upload it, I could do that too.

Re: 2 requests: restore/unminimize on click, display track name via Growl

Sorry to keep replying to my own posts, but this app is so nifty that I can't help myself from fiddling around with it, even though I have hardly any clue what I'm doing.

I was looking through the source code, trying to figure out how to make all the growl notifications display album information (not just those created by my applescript, which is working great btw) and think I found where the growl notifications are handled: in PlaybackEventController.m. Unfortunately I don't know how to actually edit this (am I allowed to?) in order to make a change in my copy of Cog. Any tips? Thanks smile

Re: 2 requests: restore/unminimize on click, display track name via Growl