1 2017-01-01 11:07:59
Topic: Newest build of Cog by dpromsky / mamburu (0 replies, posted in General)
3 2012-12-27 22:35:25
Re: THANK YOU FOR THE AUGUST RELEASES OF COG! (4 replies, posted in Development)
Cog is dead.
... long live the Cog!
4 2012-04-02 18:03:20
Re: Reanimating Cog (30 replies, posted in Development)
The PowerPC build of r1985 works.
BTW, out of curiosity, on Lion, how do you switch to Mini Mode?
You know, seeing as the "pellet" button on the top right of the window (which usually is for hiding/showing the toolbar) has been replaced with the Full Screen button.
(Oh yeah, also, nice choice of VG music for the screenshot on your Cog page. XD )
6 2012-03-19 16:52:54
Re: Reanimating Cog (30 replies, posted in Development)
Very glad to hear that you're continuing Cog's development!
In the past, my contributions were bug reporting, feature suggestions and some localization.
I would have gladly tried to start contributing to the project's development coding-wise but...
1) all I have, even today, is an old Mac with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard =\
2) more importantly, I don't have much free time due to work and other things. Given that I do not know Objective-C and Cocoa, free time is something that I would especially need (to learn Obj-C, Cocoa, the existing codebase) if I were to do anything on the coding side. =\ =\
(Maybe that'll change someday, who knows...)
Anyway, hope to hear from you soon!
11 2010-10-27 17:51:06
Topic: Whoa, a new nightly (5 replies, posted in Development)
I must be dreaming.
Was it you, vspader or was it a contributor?
12 2010-10-23 15:04:15
Re: Replace playlist when started by file association, not queue to it? (2 replies, posted in General)
14 2010-07-27 18:15:33
Re: Apple Multimedia Keys Support (14 replies, posted in Development)
(moved out of Archives back into Development)
15 2010-05-28 21:59:34
Re: 0.08 Icons/Images - Help Wanted! (108 replies, posted in Development)
Seems nice.
Fairly sharp.
Keeps it simple, like the current ones.
16 2010-04-14 11:58:22
Re: Cog is dead (12 replies, posted in Development)
If I have time this summer, I'll try to see if I can do something.
Understanding the existing code is the tricky part though.