(2 replies, posted in General)


(0 replies, posted in Features)

it would be sweet if filedrawer had some quicksilver-esque type thing built it so adding music folders or specific songs  would be easier.

As of now all I do when I'm in filedrawer is use arrow keys to open and close folders, and type in the artists name I'm looking for.

Torture, right? It would be cool to have a quicksilver type feature where you could open a box that would search your music folder and find whatever folder or file you were looking for. Obviously I cannot express the brilliance of my idea as exquisitely as I imagine it in my mind, but If you decided to do something like this, I'm sure I'd be happy with it.


(20 replies, posted in Features)

That's fantastic news. I hope it's the near future. smile


(20 replies, posted in Features)

I often find myself returning to iTunes briefly to edit incorrect music tags just so I can return to Cog to play it. I think a great feature for Cog would be the ability to edit the ID3 tags in the program.