(1 replies, posted in Features)

Agreed.  Actually, that is the exact sort I want as a standard.  It drives me nuts to have to resort every time.  Otherwise, I love it!

...and if I'm correct the nature of the problem is that the playlist appears blank to the point that even the column labels appear blank (e.g. album, artist, etc.). 

I had this problem and set my preferences to update to the nightly build, as 0.08 sounded tempting.  Oddly, though, it didn't fix the problem. 

I removed the Default.m3u playlist in ~/Library/Application Support/Cog/ to no avail. 

So finally I completely wiped the program out a la AppZapper (which included wiping ~/Library/Preferences/org.cogx.cog.plist-- which probably would have made 0.08 behave had I wiped it out before updating).  Then I installed with the above link, set prefs back to nightlies and now 0.08 is behaving again. 

I guess the moral of the story is to share that I think complete removal and new installation is probably preferable to updating, but I didn't really test that theory from every angle. 

BTW, AppTrap/AppCleaner are relatively well received freeware alternatives to $12 AppZapper.