For quite a while I've been enjoying the use of iTunes and Cog together using iTunes for my main output and Cog with an iMic for preview. And I especially like how tracks can be dragged back and forth between iTunes and Cog.

Recently, I downloaded (legally, from emusic) some songs that can't be dragged from iTunes to Cog. When I try, Cog doesn't recognize them, or indicate that anything happened --- they just don't show up in the playlist. The songs don't seem different in any significant way from ones that can be dragged over. When I was trying to figure out what the problem might be, I noticed that the songs can be dragged to Cog from the Finder, they appear in the playlist, and they can be played.

System info:

3-year-old MBP
OS X 10.5.8
Cog 0.08 (r1934)
iTunes 9.2.1

Thanks, Zitz. I appreciate it.

Cog 0.07 (r635)
OS X 10.5.5
MacBook Pro ~2 years old

Using Cog with the output device set to a Griffin iMic, the music will switch to the built-in output if the system line-out is either connected or disconnected.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Connect iMic to computer
2. Connect iMic output to some listening device (I use headphones)
3. Start Cog
4. Set Cog output device to iMic ("iMic USB audio system")
5. Start a track playing in Cog, which will come through the iMic output
6. Connect some listening device to the system line-out/headphone jack

At this point, you should hear the Cog output through whatever was just plugged in. And if, like me, you're using a computer with built-in speakers, unplugging the listening device connected in step #6 will then have the Cog output go to the built-in speakers.

You can get the same result if you start with a listening device connected to the system line-out/headphone jack and then remove it in step #6. At that point, you should hear the Cog output through the built-in speakers.

Finally, the selected output device is still listed as "iMic USB audio system". To get output back to the iMic, I have to select something else and then re-select the iMic.

Note: I looked through the forums and tickets and couldn't find any mention of this. And I wasn't sure if I was supposed to create a forum topic or a ticket.