1 2008-02-25 16:25:26
Re: Repeat + Shuffle [Repeat One, Repeat Album, ideas for Shuffle] (15 replies, posted in Features)
2 2008-02-25 16:23:11
Re: Repeat + Shuffle [Repeat One, Repeat Album, ideas for Shuffle] (15 replies, posted in Features)
Perhaps I've misread, but i think the following is a more correct behavior based on user interacting with cog:
shuffle on && repeat one: hit next -> the NEXT song should be the one repeated rather than the current song.
When you hit "next" and nothing different happens, that implies user input is being ignored or a 'buggy' interface.
3 2008-02-13 16:25:54
Re: Crash loading title of amiga mod (4 replies, posted in Bugs)
build r694 resolves this issue.