1 2008-08-30 03:52:23
Topic: crash reading an m4a that used to be an m4p (1 replies, posted in Bugs)
2 2008-07-27 01:55:48
Re: c++ coder asks: why 10.5-only? (5 replies, posted in Development)
well, i'm on 10.4, have no reason to upgrade, and i don't want to give Apple any more money if i can help it. how many libraries are there? if i was to download the source and start fiddling around, if i made it work would my changes end up in the main source tree?
i'm a musician who was using iTunes until quite recently, until its DRM filter decided to delete a bunch of unreleased music of mine, outside of the ordinary iTunes folder structure. Cog is the best alternative, it would seem. but i don't want to upgrade for it, because it's likely upgrading will break other things (most notably, Pd).
3 2008-07-26 16:28:11
Topic: c++ coder asks: why 10.5-only? (5 replies, posted in Development)
as per the subject line - why is the new version of Cog 10.5-only?
surely Apple have made the new 10.5 libraries backwards-compatible? so compiling for 10.4 should be a piece of cake? - i mean, they solved the dual architecture problem bloody nicely.
or is it a cunning marketing ploy...