(1 replies, posted in Features)

I have no idea how Cog or Bowtie work, but it would be awesome to have some kind of compatibility going on there. Idk if bowtie really requires a lot of info from iTunes itself, but this would make me not care about having album art in the actual Cog window.
Any thoughts?

It seems that Bowtie uses the EyeTunes famework. Once again, idk what this implies, but im certain someone here is smart enough to get this going in some kind of direction.


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(4 replies, posted in Development)

I have a hacintosh so i have no remote, lol. Applescripts can be used to skip tracks by using keyboard shortcuts. I think its something like

tell application "System Events" to keystroke "n" using {command down, control down}

That will use the default key combo to skip forward. Your way is much fancier though big_smile


(4 replies, posted in Development)

tell application "Cog"
    open "/Volumes/MUSIC/Music/A Fine Frenzy/One Cell In The Sea/Almost Lover.mp3"
end tell

That adds a song to the playlist. Im not great with scripts but i assume there is a way to make the file path a variable of some sort and use that. I wish i could help you more but i suck at coding.


(1 replies, posted in Development)

sounds cool. Ill get the nightly updates just for kicks. An unstable Cog is still better than a stable iTunes tongue

I found Cog yesterday and this is the only feature i can think of that would make it better. Perhaps have an option to clear the playlist when files are added, then automatically start playing the new songs. If the new playlist could automatically be arranged by track no. that would make it even better.
Thansk for reading!