(1 replies, posted in General)

This is Linux related, but very joyous news.
We generally refer to Cog as the closest we'll get to foobar2000 on Mac, but it's just not quite there in terms of customisation.

It's been some time now since I left Mac behind, but the issue was the same with Linux distros until now.
So to those of you who dual boot Mac and Linux, this is indeed the closest anyone has ever gotten to an actual foobar2000 equivalent: DeaDBeeF (deadbeef.sourceforge.net). It is essentially foobar2000 on Linux. And it works ridiculously well.

I can't express my joy in text form.
You'll have to check it out for yourselves big_smile


(3 replies, posted in General)

Step 1: Don't let any software keep track of your files for you. Just know where they are.
Step 2: Install Ubuntu/SUSE + wine + foobar2000
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!


(12 replies, posted in Development)

I too am pretty impressed with how well foobar2000 runs in wine. Although the compatibility with multimedia keys requires an applescript workaround which is very impractical. And the filetree plugin only recognises ASCII characters.

If these problems were to be fixed somehow, it would be acceptable to run it via wine.


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(4 replies, posted in General)

*psst* SofaControl


(12 replies, posted in Development)

For my next semester at uni, I am going to study advanced programming.
I can be of some use at that time, but until then, aren't there anyone else? ANYONE who knows this junk well enough to make a difference?
I would trash foobar2000 in a heartbeat if we could get (actually pretty basic) features like shortcuts and album art to work with Cog.


(108 replies, posted in Development)

It is, just a more recent one. I flush out the files on the upload page once in a while, didn't take that into the equation.
I'm impressed that you dug your way through all the danish on my site smile


(12 replies, posted in Development)

I hear you dude, I'm just running foobar2000 now, which was all I really wanted in the first place.
It's a hassle to set up through wine and X11, but once you get there, it's pretty sweet.

I've even gotten it to work with media keys and the remote through applescript and USB override, I'll provide information on the methods if you want me to.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Get SofaControl. You will love that piece of software smile
It's a total replacement for that nosy Front Row application.

Comes quite cheap as well.
I usually never pay for software, but this app serves me so well, I really think they deserve the


(1 replies, posted in Features)


(5 replies, posted in Help)

Encapsulate your iPod in a big-ass block of concrete, dispose of it at the harbour and go get a ZEN or some other sensible mp3-player with external hard drive functionality.
You will be a happier person, and your life will be a lot easier smile


(5 replies, posted in General)

Go to Cog > Preferences > Remote > Enable remote control.
Either that, or do as I do and use SofaControl. It's awesome.


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(4 replies, posted in Development)

I did not know that.. Silly of me


(4 replies, posted in Development)

Yeah, I saw the UI by brock, and it really looks good.

As for vspader, I see your point, I have noticed that tendency as well, but I think I'll wait for an actual answer from him.
And yes, of course it's doing its job at the current state, but the interface is a little messed up.
I mean, a separate info window with album art? C'mon man, he must be able to see that it should be integrated smile

Besides, he seems like a nice guy, I'm still optimistic that he will be able to see some reason in my idea.

I know I've mentioned this a couple of times before, but it deserves its own thread, I think.

So the idea is, that since vspader doesn't have the necessary time to develop this amazing app, that I think the development should be expanded, even if only a little bit.
And since I have heard nothing in the direction of open sourcing it, my idea is that a development team could be established. A trusted group of developers, if you will.

I know Cog is his precious baby, but wouldn't you rather let someone adopt your baby under your supervision than letting it die because you were too busy to take care of it? tongue
A bit morbid in comparison, I know smile But I just think it's such a shame to let something this genius go to waste.

People could apply for the different areas in development, like scripting, visual design etc.
I for one would gladly sign up for visual design, I am currently under education in interaction design at the university.

All in all, the purpose of the development team would be to refine/expand on functionality and taking care of the rough edges, while preserving the general feel of Cog.
Doesn't that sound somewhat acceptable, vspader?


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(108 replies, posted in Development)

Well yes, people do call Cog the foobar2000 for Mac, but with customisable columns (and maybe by open sourcing the app), that statement would actually be true ^^


(6 replies, posted in Features)


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(108 replies, posted in Development)


(108 replies, posted in Development)